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September 2024
“Questions You’ll Be Asked in Heaven” with Rabbi Yael Hammerman
Elul is a month of self-reflection - a time to prepare yourself for the Yamim Noraim. But, what exactly should you reflect on? Join Rabbi Yael Hammerman in exploring the “Questions You’ll Be Asked in Heaven” - at least, according to the Talmud (Shabbat 31a). In truth, no one has ever come back to verify this... Nonetheless, we’ll look at what the rabbis proposed to get our minds, hearts and spirits warmed up for Tishrei. No Hebrew or Talmud skills…
Find out more »Time-Machine Teshuva, with Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky
"The past is never dead," William Faulkner wrote. "It's not even past." OK, Faulker was probably not talking about Jewish concepts of penitence. But he could have been. One of our deepest teachings is that teshuva today today transforms both tomorrow and yesterday. Let's talk with sages through the ages to reflect on how reshaping the future reshapes the past. Please RSVP online. Walk-ins also welcome.
Find out more »Community Shabbat Dinner + “Who Knows One?” Live!
"Who Knows One?" is a hilarious live show that became a cultural hit in the Jewish community over the course of the pandemic, reuniting old friends and creating new ones with an innovative game that combines Six Degrees of Separation and Jewish Geography. This September, Micah Hart, the creator of "Who Knows One?" is bringing the experience to Ansche Chesed, over Shabbat dinner, with a new live, interactive version of the show. Come see how we're all connected to each other and share…
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